Whether you’re a brand new client or have been with us for years, we are dedicated to taking the time to assess your unique situation, goals, attitude toward risk, and time horizon. Over time, those will inevitably change, but through the creation of your customized WealthPlan, we will build foundation solid enough when life changes, we can pivot effortlessly. We are committed to delivering world-class wealth management, collaborating with your other trusted professionals, and ensuring everything we do is always in your best interest.

Will Hardee, AWM

Managing Director - Financial Advisor, Senior Portfolio Manager - Portfolio Focus, Corporate & Executive Services

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Heather Hardee

Financial Advisor

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Hardee Investment Group

Hardee Investment Group



Client Strategies Team

The Client Strategies Team is a resource to help support you in your wealth planning goals, developing a strong understanding of your personal financial objectives, gathering valuable information and addressing complex financial and wealth strategies issues. Explore the bios below to learn more about the team.


Trust Consultant


Wealth Management Banker


Echelon Wealth Strategist